
Florian in Klimahouse 2022 | Building well. Living well.

exhibitions  | 
28 April 2022

The 17th edition of KLIMAHOUSE, initially scheduled in January and postponed due to potential health risks, will be held from 18 to 21 May at Fiera Bolzano.

The International Trade Fair specialized in renovation, energy efficiency and sustainability in construction has many new features in the program, including disclosure, updating and concrete business opportunities, winking at young professionals and innovative start-ups with conventions, innovation awards and new partnerships.

Un’occasione di confronto irrinunciabile per tutti gli attori del settore edilizio, in un momento chiave nel quale, aggiornandosi e sfruttando tutte le principali innovazioni tecnologiche e di metodo, si possono porre le basi per un nuovo modo di costruire.

An opportunity for all players in the construction industry for updates and to take advantage of all the main technological innovations and methods in order to lay the foundations for a new way of building. On the wave of the motto of Klimahouse, FLORIAN will be present in its first edition at HALL AB STAND B06/18. With the occasion will be presented FLO.LAM laminated oak beam for structural use in residential construction, a new product at home Florian. FLO.THERMO, the flooring segment product that “transforms today’s waste into tomorrow’s resource”.

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Il partner ideale per chi commercia e lavora il legno con il cuore.
La creazione di un network solido ed efficiente rappresenta una strategia fondamentale per la crescita in un mercato sempre più flessibile, dinamico e difficilmente prevedibile. Florian vuole interpretare questa situazione da capofila ed è alla continua ricerca di partner in tutto il mondo con cui condividere la passione per il legno e una grande imprenditorialità.