Group's Companies Our History Vision Environment and Sustainability Renewable Energy

Energia rinnovabile


All the companies in the group are equipped with modern biomass systems to generate heat for the steaming, drying and thermal treatment cycles.

The constant research for energy efficiency led to the implementation of cogeneration plants for the production of heat, as well as electric power.


1. Use of the short supply chain, with a plant located in Din Novoselec, in the department of Zagreb, in a strategic position no more than 100 km away from any source of raw material of the group.

2. A large production: 60,000 tons per year

3. A quality produciton: the plant is designed to produce only EN A1 certified pellets, ensuring the market a product that complies with the standards and requirements contained in the European standard and supoprted by an efficient control system throughout the distribution system.

4. EN A1 is not only a simple product certification, but a system certification, which assesses the whole chain, from the production and receipt of the raw material to the storage of fuel, up to the delivery of the finished product to the end consumer.



Since 2009 Florian has launched a major investment in the generation of energy from renewable sources.
The photovoltaic plant of approximately 10,000 m2 installed on the roof of the company building, is constantly monitored by a counter which updates the data visible on the website in real time. It features a power capacity of 1 megawatt and generates approximately 950,000 kW per year with a CO2 emissions reductions of 540 tons/year. 95% of the energy produced is consumed on the premises.


At Iskralegno a gasification plant with an electrical power of 1 Mwe and 1.5 Mwt has been operating since 2015 and is now totally integrated to the drying plants. In addition this year Iskralegno is implementing a new methane cogeneration plant with an electric capacity of 0.400 Mwe and a thermal recovery of 0.500 Mwt, to futher support the energy needs of the production processes.
Another important project was the start-up of Corana’s cogeneration plant in Pavia, which was made possible thanks to the collaboration with Agro Po, a company specialized in the production of animal feed.
The plant has a production capacity of 1 electric MW. Burning woodchips for electric power production, it exploits the on-site heat for drying grasses and fodder in the surrounding countryside.


Florian has 172 kiln dryers for a total capacity of approx. 19.850 m3.
Florian’s is the largest drying capacity in Europe held by single group. This year we have started 5 new drying plants with a capacity of 350 m3.
They are equipped with an innovative vacuum technology, suitable for treating all wood species with large thicknesses, from 50 mm to 120 mm, with fast drying cycles where moisture and heat are perfectly controlled in evert step of the process.

Increase in renewable  energy production 2015-2030 (TWh)

Aeral view of the cogeneration plant in Corana (Pavia)

Il partner ideale per chi commercia e lavora il legno con il cuore.
La creazione di un network solido ed efficiente rappresenta una strategia fondamentale per la crescita in un mercato sempre più flessibile, dinamico e difficilmente prevedibile. Florian vuole interpretare questa situazione da capofila ed è alla continua ricerca di partner in tutto il mondo con cui condividere la passione per il legno e una grande imprenditorialità.